TCLBA members prior to meeting with representatives of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
At meetings, TCLBA members hear from Hanford stakeholders and subcontractors such as representatives of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation.

TCLBA meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Port of Benton, 3250 Port of Benton Blvd. These meetings are hybrid, so feel free to reach out to the TCLBA/CESA board for information about joining in person or via Zoom!

Meetings feature presentations by notable speakers, e.g., executives of Hanford prime contractors; key DOE officials; local, state or federal government representatives; and business leaders. The meetings provide an excellent forum for developing teaming relationships and community stewardship. They are valuable in helping members stay abreast of local economic activities and opportunities.

Our interactions at meetings and social gatherings have provided members with opportunities to learn about activities at Hanford, identify business opportunities, and determine resource needs across local organizations. And, in our hybrid work environment and the expansion of the Clean Energy Supplier Alliance beyond the Tri-Cities local area, we have additional opportunities to team with regional members in other parts of the Northwest.